Quality Policy
MedsExporter believes in following quality norms rigidly; thus, at our company, we haven’t left any window to compromise with quality. Our quality policy is based on standards set by the government and other international organizational bodies. Our products are responsible for the business of our clients, and moreover, the health of millions of people depends on them, so we are very strict about quality policy.
Quality Policy
- Manufacturing medicines and related products based on WHO-GMP and ISO guidelines
- Transparency in manufacturing and maintaining quality
- Following ethical practice
- Buying raw materials from authentic sellers only
- Each batch must pass the QC check
- No compromise in CAPA
MedsExporter’s loyalty toward a quality product
MedsExporter, as a company, has built on its vision to spread health across the world, and our driving force is quality. We are absolutely loyal to quality and maintain it throughout the pre-production, production, and post-production because all three stages have an impact on a product’s quality.
Our efforts toward maintaining quality
There are certain things that affect quality, and while maintaining quality, we take care of things that need to be taken care of, and these things come under our quality policy as well.
Environment: we make sure our process of manufacturing quality pharmaceutical products doesn’t harm the environment. We take care of our power consumption, we have invested hugely in plantations, and wastewater management has been established.
Waste management: All the waste goes through a calculative management process that reduces its harmfulness. Through available infrastructure, we have built a plant that has a waste management system.
Recycle: We have been recycling water, plastic, and other products and using them in the associated works. We have collaborated with private agencies for recycling, and that has made our manufacturing unit a place where nothing will directly harm the environment.